
Terms and conditions

1. Introduction

These General Conditions of Sale (hereinafter the “General Conditions”) govern the sale of products marketed by Campo al Sole Società Agricola Srl (hereinafter the “Seller”) using only remote communication technology (via Internet or telephone). All product purchase contracts concluded through the website following the procedures indicated therein (online or by telephone), between the Seller and the buyers (hereinafter the “Customers”), will be governed by these general conditions, which form an integral and substantial part of the same.

2. How to conclude the contract

The information contained on the website shall not be considered as an offer but is simply an invitation to buy. The purchase proposal (order) is formulated by the Customer at the time of sending the form containing the characteristics of the requested goods, the price, the chosen payment method and delivery terms (order form).
Once the order form has been received, a summary page of the order is displayed and an e-mail confirming receipt of the order is sent, containing all the information necessary to complete the purchase.
All orders are subject to acceptance by the Seller who reserves the right to cancel any order at its sole discretion:

  • In the event of material errors associated with the Customer’s order or with the information sent by the Customer via the website
  • In the event that the Customer does not satisfy the General Conditions of Sale listed in this document or the special conditions indicated on the website in the section dedicated to information on purchasing methods.
3. Prices and terms of payment

The prices of the products, which do not constitute an offer to the public pursuant to art. 1336 of the Civil Code, the shipping costs and payments will be those chosen by the customer on the website at the time of placing the order.
The Customer must immediately notify the Seller of any errors or omissions of any kind in the payment conditions and prices, contained in the order summary page and / or in the order confirmation email with the contact form or by sending an email. at

4. Payment Methods

The Customer undertakes to pay the price of the products ordered using the following payment method:

  • Credit card online
    payment by credit card at the conclusion of the order transaction.
    In this case, the Seller uses the services of PayPal Europe S.a r.l. (hereinafter “PayPal”).

In case of cancellation of the order by the customer or in case of non-acceptance of the contract by the Seller, the Seller will be asked to cancel the transaction and the reversal of any amount already charged.
Once the transaction has been cancelled, the Seller will in no case be held responsible for any damage due to the technical time required by PayPal to restore the availability of currency on the credit card.
At no time during the purchase procedure by credit card, the Seller is able to access personal information relating to the owner of said card as the information is transmitted directly to the secure PayPal site that manages the transaction.
For this reason, the Seller cannot be held responsible for any fraudulent use of credit cards by third parties when paying for products purchased on its site.

5. Shipping
  • The Products are usually shipped within 4 working days of receiving the order except in special cases due to closure for holidays. These periods will be reported to the customers by email.
    The transport costs are charged to the Customer and are determined by the weight of the goods, and the charges by national carriers for the destinations.
    The cost of transport will be expressly indicated in the order summary; the Customer will expressly give his consent by confirming the dispatch of the order.
  • After placing an order, you will receive an e-mail containing all the details of your purchase. Do not hesitate to contact us if you would like further information. Its electronic traceability begins as soon as the package is delivered to the carrier and the day of arrival is estimated. You can follow the progress of the delivery by accessing the carrier’s tracking page through the link that we will send to you.
  • Customs duties are calculated according to the regulations of the country of transit of the goods. As a rule, customs duties are charged to the recipient of the shipment before delivery. Campo al Sole and the carrier do not directly intervene in the customs clearance process for a shipment. This type of management is always carried out by the customs of the country in which the goods transit.
  • Customs fees and another additional cost are payable by the User.
  • No customs duty on your shipment
6. Right of ownership and passage of risk of perishing of goods

The right of ownership of the Products passes to the Customer after full payment of the products themselves or of their delivery, if this occurs last. The risks of breakage and / or deterioration of the products pass to the Customer at the moment in which he is physically in possession of the goods (Article 63 of Legislative Decree 21/2014).

7. Right of withdrawal

Pursuant to Article 52 of Legislative Decree 21/2014, Consumer Code, the Customer has a period of fourteen days to withdraw from a distance contract or contract negotiated away from business premises without having to provide any reasons and without having to incur costs, except for the direct cost of the return.
The withdrawal must be exercised by sending a written communication by e-mail within the aforementioned time to or by registered letter expressing the desire to withdraw from the concluded contract sent to Campo al Sole Società Agricola Srl.
If the customer exercises the right of withdrawal, he will have to pay for the return of the goods.

8. Acceptance and Returns

The Products will be deemed accepted by the Customer at the time of their delivery. Without prejudice to the case in which the Customer exercises the right of withdrawal pursuant to art. 7 above, such acceptance is presumed until the Customer communicates to the Seller, as soon as possible and in any case no later than 14 working days from the day of receipt of the products, that the products themselves have been delivered in conditions of inoperability, or are defective.
Following this last communication, the Seller will, at his own discretion, replace the defective products or refund the amount paid by the Customer for their purchase.

9. Customer Obligations

The Customer undertakes, once the purchase procedure provided for on the website, has been completed, to print and keep these general conditions.
It is forbidden for minors to place orders. The Seller reserves the right to legally pursue any violation and abuse.

10. Protection of personal data

Any information and / or personal data sent to the website will be treated as described in the information page on personal data.

11. Jurisdiction and applicable law

Any dispute relating to the application, execution, interpretation and violation of purchase contracts stipulated “online” through the website is subject to Italian jurisdiction. These general conditions are governed by Italian law and refer, although not expressly provided for therein, to Legislative Decree no. 50/92 and Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 Legislative Decree 21/2014.

12. Jurisdiction

Any dispute that may arise in relation to the contracts governed by these General Conditions or that is in any case connected to them, will be referred to the Court of Florence.
Important note: This revision of the General Conditions, i.e. the one in effect at the time of the signing by the Customer of his order, will govern this order; the Customer is therefore requested to print and keep a copy of these Conditions for future reference.
Pursuant to and for the purposes of articles. 1341 and 1342 of the Civil Code, the Customer declares to have carefully read and understood and to accept the General Conditions of sale listed above.
Regarding the processing of personal data, consult the Privacy Policy.